Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What I think of Ender's game and issue I have with it: Part 2 Stupid Warfare.

Now, for the part 2 and a final part. I will focus entirely on warfare strategy in this film.

Before begin I would like to say that I did not actually plan to separate this article into two parts. But as I sit down and thinks it though I found out that the warfare in the story is probably the biggest issue I have with the film. The battle in the film( and the book by extension) are create clumsily and stupid. I hope that no one would take the strategy in either the film or the book seriously. But seeing so much fame and accolade this book,especially that it require to read in US army, have make me decide to elaborate on this matter. I might say that Ender's game is the worst media that trying to portray with warfare seriously. While I think that there are some useful idea like  how to think outside of the box or how to deal with difficult person, it fail on deliver that idea through.

Now I admit, I never went to war and my talent in chess, board game and RTS are limited. My opinion is offer from just a simple guy who know a little bit about history and military tactic. You can take it with a grain of salt.

Now let see what is so wrong with Ender's game warfare.

1) No Intel
In the Ender's game, we are entirely in assumption that Earth have a war with Alien. They attack earth once and earth decide to fight them back. To prepare for war. They create ships. They create Death Star(call Little Doctor in this film). And they are training a super badass kid who will become the best strategist ever!

But they seems know nothing about our enemy.

Seriously, this is one of the things Ender repeatedly say in the film. I understand that this is no spy drama, but the emphasis of 'lack of intelligence' really show that something is very wrong in this fictional military organization. 

In the film, it seem that no one knows anything about alien. The entire research and intelligence section in Ender's game should be fired. While I understand that Colonel Harrison Ford(name Graff in this film) might consider them as a mindless bug. But it was pretty careless to ignore on other Alien 'intel'. How about there generic behavior? How they eat? What are their physical capabilities? And what about their technology? 

The only detail we know about Alien is that they are Hive mind. Blow the queen ship and all minions will be destroy.

And did Ender know that in school? No, he know by repeatedly watch Ben Kingley(who plays Darth Maul older cousin, Mazzer Rackham) propaganda video for thousand time.

"Ender, You will never see it coming."[1]

To make it worst, old Ben know it the whole time and decide to not tell him directly. Now why no one was teach about that in the officer school. Did Ben Kingsley withheld the information from Harrison ford? Or Harrison Ford decide that killing Alien is too easy and decided not to tell Ender? Seriously, that is 'withheld crucial intelligence' right there. 

As Sun Tzu once said once: "If you don't know others but know yourself, you win one and lose one." This means Military clearly give an unreasonable handicap to alien.

2) Telecommunication and Morale issue.

After Ender graduated from his Nazi boot camp, he was send into(what-he thought) of a battle simulation. There he control the fleet from command center several planet away. It might seems cool and neat idea back then. But as you might know, teleworks is only good in some situation. And in a situation that require close attention like combat, it might not a good idea to issue from planet away. No matter how much advance technology is, you would never be able to get all the detail like you actually be on the field. 

Of course, it depends on commanders style. It probably reasonable for Ender to be away from the field so that he can focus on the big picture. But that also mean that entire battle is depend on the communication system. Which for all the chaotic nature of war, can be disrupt or destroy. 

Ender's greatest enemy.[2]

And lack of communication can also lead to morale issue for the fleet itself. 

Let me ask you a question, what would you do if your old boss leave the office. You might be happy or sad for a few days. But then you got to take order from your new boss. Now, imagine if you never seen him and he's only shouting order at you by one-way phone. You might thinks it absurd but wouldn't you getting crazy if you know that your boss is just a kid whose only work experience is military boot camp and videogame? 

I'm sure I would. I might even consider looking for a new job.

Put that and consider your job is to go fight in a war where your best friend can die at anytime for an order that you would not understand. No one can fight and die for voice with internet connection. Combine all this and we have a textbook example for morale destruction. This will decrease effectiveness of the fleet and at worst: desertion or mutiny.

Not to mention that Ender become disillusion and throw a fight(but win anyway) in the last battle on the book.

3) Platforming warfare.

Now we all know that the military have bad intel and put an unreachable commander in task which will probably create morale issue. We will now begin to see what the warfare in Ender's game like. 

In flim(and even more so in a book), we see that Ender was walking into simulation room. He have five minute briefing then watch the big IMAX screen which all the ship are lining in formation opposite from the Alien fleet. After he battle by moving hand like Tom Cruise did in minority report(which I think it's cool) and issue command to his officer (who also kids around his age). After he win battle, he gave Haylee Stanfield(who plays Petra, Ender's sorta girlfriend) a high-five, go to bed, and fight new battle tomorrow.

Seems like someone laid back on the military research. War is not simple like that.

Warfare, according to the movie.[3]

While everybody in the film keep talking about 'think outside the box', this method discourage them. As you might know from history of warfare, each battle in war do not have specific time. It does not always begin with two force stand on each side and duke it out. It was base on event and coincident. War is uncertain and chaotic and those that expect certainty will only be defeat. 

Did George Washington give the Hassian a time to prepare of battle of Trenton? No.

Did Sam Houston wait until Santa Anna finish his Siesta before begin battle of San Jacinto? Nope.

Did Ender and Alien gave other time to nap? Yep.

It might be understandable that Alien not trying for unconventional warfare. Consider that they reveal to be peaceful. But how come that military in Ender's Game are so simple mind like that. They have no intel so they can't come up with proper strategy and only rely on Ender to give them victory on each skirmish. What about ambush, cutting supply, misdirection, divide and conquer, etc? All these concept are entirely non-existance.

And this is not to mention the issue of supply and manpower shortage which seems to be non-existance in this universe. Every ship seems to be repair and men power replace by the matter of days.

Can't said that really happen in real life.

4) Ender himself.

From all the issue above, we can see how suck it is behind military in Ender's Game. But we did not talk about the boy himself. All we know is that military thinks he is a best candidate, a chosen one and a savior who can save mankind. They manipulate him and do all the backend work to make him focus on the field. It's understandable, but did it work? Is this whole abomination project of abuse and violation of human right work? It's probably work because he win, right? Ender win and it all that matters?

Nope. I don't think so.

Not to mention that this 'genius' first action in training room is point the ray gun at his friend and shoot him.

In fact I would go so far to say Ender Wiggin is probably one of the least talented 'child strategist' in all fiction(or at least the one I have been heard of). He have all the trait of Mary Sue, yet he fails to delivery a crucial ability that great strategist throughout history has.

An ability to defeat large army with small troop and survive.

And ability to make badass boast that delivers.[4]

The film try to make Ender looks smart. I think he did but he absolutely not 'military genius' that everyone seems to praise him for. His strategic reason was sound but it was the execution that seems bizarre and cause heavy casualty. Especially the part that he shield his mini deathstar with star fighter before he 'gasp' blow the Alien planet. In fact, he seems to love this 'meat shield' strategy so much that he use it twice.

Plus, since 'long term strategy' aspect of military and 'supply issue' do not exist in Ender's Game. Ender was force to play straight up 'Skirmish real time strategy' with very limit room for improvising. It's pretty hard for me to consider Ender Wiggin as nothing more than glorified Starcraft or Laser Tag player. He was limited by 'inside the box' warfare and did not have a perfect battle formation to come with it.

And that is the end of the second part of my issue with Ender's game movies. At first I thought that this will be the last part, but in the middle of the article I decide to borrow the book from a friend of mine and read.

So in last and final part, I will talk about the movie compare to the book itself.

PS: Now since I mention Jia Xu(guy in pic 4), I wander if the film might be more interesting if they switch Ender with him or Guo Jia. Any "Colonel sacrifice his head" strategy is welcome (No hate for Harrison Ford though, he's cool. I just don't like Colonel Graff).

Image source:

[1] Walt Disney Motion Picture, Iron man 3, 2013.
[2] Unknown. Taken from
[3] Blizzard, Starcraft. Taken from
[4] Chen Mou, The Ravage of Times

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Good, The Bad, and The Weird (4/5)

Today as I browse through Netflix, I suddenly got a feeling to watch this film. The Good, The Bad, and The Weird is a western Korean film(or 'Oriental Western' as title prefer) by Kim Ji-Woon. I remember missing it when it first coming and now I finally got a chance to see it. Now I'm not really that crazy with Korean film, but this is probably one of the Korean film I could watch twice.


In a tale that obviously inspired by 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly', 'The Good, The Bad, and The Weird' is story of three man: a train robbery -Yoon Tae-goo/The Weird(Song Kang-ho); a hitman- Park Chang-yi/The Bad(Lee Byung-hun); and a bounty hunter - Park Do-won/The Good(Jung Woo-sung). All those three men are binding together when Tae-goo find a secret map that lead to secret treasure hidden in the midst of Mongolian desert. Then he enter the strange partnership with Do-won and together they went to find the treasure while fighting Chang-Yi's gang, Mongolian bandit, and Imperial Japanese army.

Not in this image: truck with machine gun and artillery.

While plot is pretty simple, I found myself lost sometime during the beginning. But this is probably because I don't have any knowledge about 1930 Mongolia and their conflict with the Japanese. I wish that they should put some opening text telling us more about historical background in the beginning.  That would help me a lot.

Also, while the title is 'The Good, The Bad, and The Weird', the important of the each character are actually in reverse. It might make me feel a bit jarring at first but I can adjust it as the plot goes on.


The acting in the film is quite good for an action film. Especially Lee Byung-hun(who also play Strom Shadow in G.I. Joe film) who dominate all of his screen time. Of all three, he got the best script and he delivers a role of sadistic Park Chang-Yi perfectly. His sadistic glared and cold attitude serve the character well. It make him unique and totally different from Angel Eye (Lee Van Cleef's character) in 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly'.
The Bad

On the other hand Song Kang-ho as Yoon Tae-goo is quite good too. As first he seems to be a carbon copy of Tuco (Eli Wallach's character) in 'The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly'. Not to mention that he plays an idiot action survivor once in 'The Host'. But that's exist only until the final showdown where his character become a total reverse. In the reveal, he deliver the shift of character with a subtle yet satisfied.

The Weird
As for Jung Woo-sung as Park Do-won, sadly he have the plainest script of all three. Do-won is a full carbon of 'The Man With No Name' archetype that Clint Eastwood build his career on. Unfortunately, I didn't feel a 'presence of death' that Eastwood has from him and make him feels overshadow the other two.

Still, as a compensation, he got most of the badass scene in the movie especially the final chase on the desert.
And The Good.


I totally recommend this film. At least just to get different feel from 'Oriental Western'. At first the pace might be  slowly and confusing, but it will get better as it go on. It has a lot of good action scene which combine by good soundtrack and a good cinematography. No reason to not watch it, either on Netflix or Blu-ray.

Now I feel little bad that I didn't watch it on big screen already.

4/5 stars


All of the picture reference in this article are copyright from 2008 CJ Entertainment.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What I think of Ender's Game and issue that have with it. Part 1: The unfortunate Implication

Today I just want back from seeing Ender's game at a drafthouse. It was somewhat fun although I really did not enjoy the first half of the movie. Now, I got late so I totally miss the early part where they explain about Ender's game universe so I might be incorrect at some part.

To summarized: Ender's Game was a story of a boy name Ender Wiggin(Asa Butterfield) who got enroll into some Nazi child soldier boot camp in space. There he was train to become a super armchair commander to flight horde of Hive-mind Alien while fighting real battle with bullies.

As I said earlier, I did not like the film in the first half where they shown Ender got bullied, and see Harrison Ford(which play Colonel Gaffe, Ender's supervisor) became manipulative asshole. But I think the film gets better as it progress as Ender (unrealisticly) learn to become a leader. After that, well... there are some zero gravity fight, Ender fight bully in the shower, some space battle and slight plot twist. Good, but nothing worth thinking over.

The acting is pretty good though, slightly better than most sci-fi standard.

Now I understand that this is probably one of the most beloved sci-fi book so most fan will probably hang me for this. I did not read it and do not have any plan to do so. But I got lot of things I don't like in the film that I feel worth discussion. I will try to focus my thought on the film but in time I might accidentally veer into bashing the book. My apologies if you don't like what I think, but I will stand by my idea.

Here we go, the list of stuff I don't like about Ender's game:

--Spoiler Alert!!----

1) The comparison between Alien and (what author thought) of standard US enemy(Imperial Japan, communist, Muslim, etc.) This is very obvious. And the way that they way that the film treat this issue is somewhat half-heart. In the 98% of the movies we got feed with information that they are bad and they must be destroy, blah, blah.... Good enough for typical Sci-fi.

And in the end, after exterminate them, Ender knows that they might not be bad. Then he make understanding with Alien Queen before he take their last eggs and fly off into horizon to find them a new home. While this probably sound like 'peace' promoting story, I got the exactly opposite message. I message that I got from the film is:

"You can understand your enemy only AFTER you massacre billion of them."

How couldn't I think it that way? Peace and understanding without conversation is a neat idea. But since it came in around last ten minute, it make me wonder if the writer didn't think it through and just put it in to make a good twist. Not to mention that Ender adjust his mood from moping to 'Messiah mode' rather quick. Make him rather a Mary Sue and a apology to mass murderer.

And for the Alien, their only role is to serve as plot device and a base for Ender's moral. Not even a character.

Which I saw in Gundam 00 first, without xenocide part[1].

2) The way the film treat military as a whole.  They try to Military look brutal but effective. All I see is stupidity. All their strategy is depend on Ender, some random kid from nowhere. They treat Ender like the Chosen One from the start. Even before he was send to school. All he need to do is beating a bully and laugh at Harrison Ford. No body got that privilege in real life. Not that quick in the matter of war.

The way they treat their trainee is even worst. The military track their activity(especially Ender) whether they eat or sleep like a creepy stalker. They block e mail and train Ender by manipulate event around him. What is this? A Patriot act in space. Even worst, they promote competition to extreme which I don't think it's effective. Little competition is good but it should come after building team spirit and discipline. Otherwise it will create tension and jealousy among member which manifest in from of Bozo, Ender's bully senior.

And they watch two boys duke it up with this face[2].

And this lead to next part,

3) The way the film treat bully issue. It was too cheap and easy. While this normally lead to suffer and death, the film treat it as another step to badass. When bully happen in this film, no adult in this seems to care and thought of it as 'test of character'.  Fantasy character like Ender  might beat them it into scrap and 'accidentally' kill on of them with no consequence, but it never been that easy in real life. Not everyone survive a bully process, especially in a place like military.

They will either:

A) Been abused until they give up or suicide
B) Gotten rape, maybe by more than one proprietor.
C) Both.

If you don't believe me, just google 'Danny Chen' or watch 'The Invisible War'

Seiously, look for them[3].

Yes, I know what you thinking. You might think this just the way to train soldier right? Rough on them so they are tough. Please keep in mind that those officer are not even hit their puberty. There are child soldier!

And those horrible stuff they put on them are not even worth the effort. In my mind, Ender is not super strategist that everyone thought to be.

Why? Read on next part.

--End of Spoiler!!----

<To be continued on Part 2>

Image source:

1) Bandai, Gundam 00: A awakening of Trailblazer.
2) Sakae Esuno, 'Mirai Nikki'
3) Chain Camera Pictures, 'The Invisible War' (left picture)
     Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, 'Danny Chen' (right picture)


Hello there!

Welcome to my blog. Most will be about my thought on movie, videogame or what ever occur into my mind. I might make some grammar mistake here and there so feel free to correct me. I listen to all opinion unless you are:

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