Monday, August 4, 2014

Million dollar Arm review 3/5


A country with second largest population on earth. A crowd place surround by culture that are difficult to understand by foreigner.

Some said it was rural and dirty, but beneath it lie some beauty.

And people with potential, who needs to have a chance to shine.

But somehow this film choose to make it about a white guy and his sport film cliche.


Million dollar Arm is a film base on  real life story of J.B. Bernstein(Jonn Hamm), a sport agent who went to India to find out new talent for baseball league. He put a competition called 'Million Dollar Arm' to find a best thrower and offer the winner a chance to play on major baseball league. There, they found Rinku Singh(Suraj Sharma-Life of Pi) and Dinesh Patel(Madhur Mittal- Slumdog Millionaire), and bring them back to US for training and try to impress the major league.

It might sound like a sport film cliche, but it's ok. I think the film was fine actually. Jonn Hamm is doing ok job on the lead and he twist all his charm that he could. Suraj Sharmais also doing a good job and I found pretty surprising that Madhur Patel can switch from psychotic Salim in Slumdog Millionaire to somewhat adorkable Dinesh in this film. We also have a beautiful shot here and there in Mumbai. The comedic timing are also pretty good.

However, I think the film can be so much more.

Million dollar Arm is one of the film that have potentially good story but fail to deliver because of the wrong perspective. The film should have followed Rinku and Dinesh(the Indians) perspective more than Bernstein(Jonn Hamm's character).

You might think I sound crazy but think about it. Rinku and Dinesh are two Indians boy who never travel abroad, can't speak English, and the 'Million dollar Arm' is the only ticket ticket to their dream. There are a lot of stuff that you can play with them like culture clash, heroic journey and all those stuff. They are the underdog type character that you could root for.
Can't say no to this cool pose.

On the other hand, Bernstein already have a nice house, car, and handsomeness of Jonn Hamm. The only thing that he don't have is a decent girlfriend(who he finally get one at the end).The film mention that he's about to run out of business, but it fail to build any suspends.
Beside, he's Don Draper. 
A nice film, but it could be much more better.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Divergent 2/5

Divergent is a a film about somewhat distopian future where everyone will be divide into group base on their personality at sixteen. There are: Abnegation(selfless), whose work as chicken soup volunteer; Amity(unity), whose work as a farmer; Erudite(intelligent), which consist of scientist and suit guy from politic school;  Candor(unity), which consist of guy from Howard.

And the last one is Dauntless(brave), which suppose to be some sort of soldier but act like roid rage jock running around the street.
The future of law enforcement, marathon jogger.

Those who do not pass the initiation test of their chosen faction will be put into 'Factionless' which is equivalent to homeless.

The story followed Tris, a valley girl born in Abnegation faction. On the day of her aptitude test(which consist of weird dream sequence like Ender's Games ), she was found to be 'Divergent', a person who's not really into all five stereotype. The tester warns Tris not to tell anyone of the test and just choose one for herself.

So Tris choose to be in Dauntless, the path of surrounding with hot guy in tight black leather. After that, the story followed another training from hell, meet some hot guy who will help her through her quest, and uncover conspiracy that will shock the stability of five faction.

As you might notice, the film clearly have some element from Harry Potter(a young boy/girl choose to be in faction),Ender's Game(training from hell and nightmare session), and Hunger Game(Distopian lead lady surround by hot guys). But due to several design element that seriously cater to teenage girl, I found it rather hard to take the film seriously. I guess it's suppose to be social commentary, but for me it sound more like an American college stereotype drama in bigger scale.

See. They want to be serious.

The acting is nothing to be mention about. Shailene Woodley (Tris) was pretty stone for the early film but she did a bit better on emotional scene. Theo James(Four - Tris' mentor/boyfriend) is also stoneface for the whole movie but it works good enough for a stone cold mentor role. But it was Kate Winslet who save the day with role of Jeanine Matthews, Erudite leader and big bad of the role.

Also, I would like to mention one more thing about the film. The fight choreography in this film is better than other recent young adult novel film(The Hunger game, Ender's game, Twilight). Still it have pretty weird stance which I pretty doubt for it effectiveness in real life.
Please consult your boxing class before try this in a bar.
Safety not guarantee.

Not entirely horrible film, but passable.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Common Things in Wuxia genre.

In the last article I went a little bit about meaning of Wuxia genre. For this one, I will go over common term  that are usually in the genre.

To put it bluntly, this is what separate 'Couching Tiger' and the likes of 'Ip man'. So if you watch a movie that mention anything of these term, feel free to throw 'realistic' out of your head.

Still, please note that some of these term are actually exist in real world but it is very exaggerated.


1) Inner energy(Qi).
A source of hero/heroine power. It's an energy that flow our around your body. It can increase user psychical ability such as toughness and agility.  In most novel/movie, wuxia hero usually gain more inner energy by practice kung fu, meditate, and/or channel breath around body.
Not real life example.
Those who have inner energy will gain enhance strength, agility, and sense at very least. May have other additional effect depend on writer.

2) Floating skill/Lightness kungfu(Qinggong)
A skill to make wuxia go faster beyond normal human, usually use as a gauge on how 'fast' each character are. In real life, it is probably similar to parkour or free running. But in wuxia genre, especially after the wire technique have been introduce their feat are usually exaggerated.

Courtesy of wire work.
Still, aside from popular believe, please note that the lightness kung fu is not the same as flying. The main concept is that the user is skillful (and light) enough to jump really high and glide along the wind or walk on the water. It's more like floating and gliding, not actually flying like Superman does.
Dead, absolutely dead.

3) Acupuncture/Meridian strike.
In Chinese medicine theory, our body have an inner energy(qi) flow around the body. Ancient Chinese doctor believe that disease happen when one of body point(meridian) that the inner energy pass around has been disrupted. Therefore, Chinese doctor create an art of acupuncture, a knowledge to fix sickness by manipulate those maridian, either by penetration skin with silver needle or electric shock.
Real life acupuncture chart

Acupuncture strike is a play on those concept. In the novel/movie, the hero/villain will usually stunned their target by jamming finger on those point(usually shoulder/chest in movie).

Just like that.

Sometime, in a rare case, they can even kill their opponent by those attack.

4) Qi blast.
A blast that generate by inner power from any strike. Usually exaggerated in TV series that make them shoot it like laser beam.

5) Fire deviation.
The self inflict injury that happen when inner energy cause disastrous effect to user. Usually happen when the hero/villian make a mess of their inner power either by practice by using wrong method, or overrush their training. It usually cause internal bleeding, insanity, or death at very worst.

6) Jianghu.

Literally means "Rivers and lakes". Jianghu is a common term for community of martial artist. It usually compose of sects, clans and various kungfu school. It also include many wandering martial artist(youxia) who came from variety of occupation such as aristocrat, nobles, thieves, beggars, monks, healers, merchants, etc.

Those who are in Jianghu may or may not working against society. They might be vigilante(which most hero of the story does), criminal(which most of villain also seems to be). But they rarely make impact on society as a whole except if the author 'clearly' want to (Eg: Zhang Yimou's Hero).

Also, I want to differentiated that the word Jianghu does not reflect 'real-life' martial artist community in anyway possible. In real-life it's means to any circle of interested. If you practice any martial art( karate, wushu, boxing, krav maga, muey thai, etc.) and try to repeat the exploit of your wuxia hero like playing vigilante or beat some other martial artist on the street, You will go to jail. No exception.

And that's all I can think of for now. Hope this might explain the Wuxia weirdness a bit.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Introduction to Wuxia - Chinese Martial Fantasy genre

There was one time that I went to lunch with a group. We talk a little bit about Chinese film and it's not quite pleasant. I didn't remember much about the detail except the tiny bit when one of the guys comment on 'Hero'.

"It's not realistic." He laughed with an annoying grin. "The part where they jump around the water and fly into the air by stab into water is so ridiculous."

And he proceed to laugh like it was the funniest things in the world. I did not remember what my response is but it probably knock his sense enough for him to said:

"Maybe it's a culture thing."

At first, this word did not have much effect on me. But as I go on through my life, I saw several keep using that word when they keep running into their ideology vs. something else. Sometime really for mitigate situation, but for just shut down situation completely. I have use it several time myself. Along the way, I began to notice my surrounding and came to two realizations:

First is that I did not see any Chinese film in the theater for a very long time.

Second is that in western country, most people seems to categorized every Chinese film no matter how exaggerated is it with fighting as a 'Kung Fu' film.

And that was pretty wrong. A film 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' and 'Hero' are in somewhat different category than 'Chinese Action' film like Bruce Lee film, 'Fearless', or 'Ip Man'(which I will call 'Kungfu' film for sake of convenience).

Film like 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' and 'Hero' is in a special category Chinese people called 'Wuxia'.

Now, Wuxia is probably equivalent to Fantasy and Superhero in western country. And this make me sigh every time when I heard someone said that 'Crouching Tiger,  Hidden Dragon is not realistic! Chinese people can't fly!'

Of course, it not realistic!! What are those people expect? They watch the fantasy film and expect the film to be realistic!?

Ok, maybe they can say they don't know I guess. But then again, I rarely heard any of any Asian complaining that Harry Potter or The Lord of the Ring are 'not realistic' either.

Real documentary of British school. 
So that might come across as hypocrite, don't you think?

So after I switch back and forth between 'Battlestar Galactica', 'House of Cards', and 'Laughing in the Wind', I decide to write some sort of introduction to the Wuxia genre myself.

After all,  I got a feeling that I might write review or thought about it at some point.

But before I begin I like to make myself clear, I'm not an expert on Wuxia and I can't read Chinese. I only write from stuff I know that manifest from many of year of my exposure to the genre. So, it might be possible that I might got some meaning wrong. If I do, feel free to correct me. I would be greatly appreciated.

Also, this will be a lot more informal. If you want formal version, read wikipedia.


What is Wuxia?

Wuxia (wu-hsia), according to good ol' wikipedia, is literally translate as 'Martial Hero'.

Wu(武) means military, martial, or armed.

Xia(侠) means honourable, chivalrous, or hero.

So combine together it probably sound something like 'Martial art hero'. It's a story about a dude/lady who learn some martial art, go around China, and do some good. How hard is that? Change the word 'dude/ lady who learn martial art' with 'knight' and 'China' with 'Europe' and you will got the same promise with western fantasy.

Not hard, isn't it?

See, I can understand it now, Gu Gu.

When is it originate?

From what I understand, the concept of Xia(侠- chivalrous) probably went back all the way in from all of heroic story back during Autumn and Spring period[1]. But the idea of a wuxia probably generate in the Ming dynasty[2], by a book called 'Water Margin(Shui Hu Juan)'.

This one.
Water Margin (also called 'Outlaws of the Marsh') tells a story of 108 bandits who gathers around at Mount Liangshan. It told story for each of them, about their adventure, exploit, and how they were force to become bandit. It was one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese. Quite interesting badass book, if I said so myself. But I won't cover it here, I might do it in later time.

Not this version though.

Because what I want to talk about is the Wuxia in 20th story, the one that you watch in big screen.


The Big Three (aka Guys that you should know).

At 1960-1980, it was a golden time for Wuxia novel. Despite the ban from mainland, wuxia novel become very popular among Chinese reader on other Chinese speaking country. Among them, there are three of them that rose among others.

1) Liang Yusheng(aka, Chen Wentong). He was name as a pioneer of modern wuxia genre, a baseline for all incoming writer like Jin Yong and Gu Long. Sadly, he was also the guy I know the least.

Famous work/adaptation: The Bride with White Hair(1993), Seven Swords(2005).
Liang Yusheng.

His most famous adaptation.

And it's glorious 3D remake.

2) Jin Yong(aka Louis Cha Leung-yung). Arguably the most successful Wuxia writer of all time. Several of his novel were adapt into TV series for countless time and most of his character is pretty well known in Asian country. His works usually include historical detail and their character. Genghis Khan himself was even show up as one of the important character on 'Legend of Condor hero(射雕英雄传)'.

Also, in my opinion, he's the most politic mind of all three.

Famous work: Condor Heroes Trilogy, Demi God and Semi Devil, The Smiling, Proud Wanderer, The Deer and the Cauldron.
Jin Yong.
And some of his adaptation.

3) Gu Long(aka Xiong Yaohua). Arguably the most unique and most tragic of all three. Unlike Liang Yucheng, and Jin Yong who in cooperate Chinese knowledge(poem, history) within their work, Gu Long got most of his inspiration from western literature like Ernest Hemingway along with their heroes like Sherlock Holmes, Arsine Lupin, and even James Bond. Most of his work is mostly involve with internal conflict within character and more philosophic in nature.

Also, as mention by his pen name(Gu - ancient, Long - dragon), he was arguably the most conservative(which can come sexist sometime) of all three. But then again it's a product of his own time and I  don't think he's worst than Ian Fleming in that regard.

Hell, I think he's not even that bad when compare with some modern American comic writer. He's just more direct to the point.

Famous work: Xiaoli Feidao(Little Li's flying dagger) series, Chu Liuxiang series, Lu Xiaofeng series, The Legendary Twins(Jeudai SheangJiao), etc.
Gu Long.

Chu LiuXiang, the fragrance thief, one of his famous character
Special mention:

Huang Yi(aka Huang Zuqiang): He's one of the more recent writer. I'm not sure if he's as popular as the big three above but I guess he's getting there. His most well known work are 'Step Into the Past' and 'Twin of Brother'.


I don't know Chinese. Where should I start?

Sadly, despite having a Chinatown in almost every place in US. The source for English wuxia genre are pretty limit(at least in smaller city). The easiest would be getting one of Chinese movie dvd. I think it's a good idea, but I think it's a bit too short to learn about all those wonderful world of ancient China. If you want something more than 2 hour films you can check the novel and tv series. It might be hard to find but you might be able to get one by using these tips.

1) Know which one you want to check. First you needs to know which one you want to check. You can check by one of the name above or check on these two websites. Good site. Looks neat. It mostly feature mostly the 'new' series and frequently update. They also have a 'recommendation' section which might be a good place to start. Seems to have some information and review. Not update for decade but the forum was pretty active. They have a fan translation too which is a plus. Have some info but don't update for a decade.

2) Use steaming service: There are several Chinese series that was fansub all around the 'net. Aside from that you can check on or, it contain mostly korean but there are some Chinese series here and there (I recommend 'Laughing in the Wind') as well.

3) Buy TV series dvd. I never try it but I surprisingly found that there are some of them selling in Amazon. But check carefully, some might not have English subtitle.

4) Buy a book. Sadly, this is the worst option. There are very few Chinese translated wuxia novel. I can't find it anywhere on my local Barnes & Noble or Books-a-million. And on Amazon I found only these handful book.

Books and Sword - Jin Yong.
Deer and Couldron - Jin Yong. This one worth a special mention since it's super expensive($35+ for one of three books) and have a bad translation from what I heard.
The Eleventh Son - Gu Long.

There are also some that are write in America(Dream of Dragon Pool, Legend of Snow Wolf,  etc). I might try it someday.

So that's it for now. I hope someone can get something out of this.

Next time, I will be writing about some common 'skill' and 'rule' in Wuxia.



[1]: Autumn and Spring period(771-476 BC). One of most chaotic time in Chinese history, a three century of fighting between warlords. Many great philosophy like Sun Tzu, Confucious, Lao Tzu, Han Fei came this era.

[2] Ming dynasty(1368-1644). The next-to-last Chinese dynasty and the last one that govern by Chinese. Have some reputation of corruption by Eunuch. Several wuxia writer love to use this period.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Wind Rise - Farewell to dream( 4.5/5 ).

"People must have goals and ambition, sometimes we have to abandon everything else and chase them with with a purpose. Regardless of the outcome, whether it be success of happiness, it doesn't really matter."
- Gu Long.

Once upon the time in every body life, no matter how bitter they become in later life, they have a dream at one point. Some dream to become a soldier. Some dream to become a teacher.

Hayao Miyazaki was no different than those men. He build several excellent animation film for all people in the world could enjoy. Those animations such as 'Spirit Away', 'Princess Mononoke' and many other touch many people heart, including mine.

For a time, things have been good.

But like all things, it has come to an end. When I heard from last year that Miyazaki have a plan to retire and make this one last film for all of us , I sighed with sadness. Then I make my plan to see this film. His last film. His last hurrah.

The film called 'The Wind Rise'.

The Wind Rise is a story base on story of Jiro Horikoshi, an airplane designer.

Jiro was a Japanese boy who was born in the undeveloped 1920 Japan. Despite how poor his country was, he have a big dream.

To build the best airplane ever made.

Along the way of his life, he was frequently visit in his dream by Count Caproni, an Italian aeronautical engineer. I found him to be excellent character since he works at both mentor and foreshadowing of Jiro's life. He too, have big dream to build on airplane.

Which only use for war.

And Jiro walk down to the very same step as he work on Zero airplane project, the plane that was so infamous by their use of Imperial Japan in WWII. 

For this I feel that the film give me very interesting thought. If this was said another anime, it would have some sort of question like 'What is the mind behind slaughter machine?' or 'Is advance technology only make slaughter more efficient?' The film did not ask me that. Instead, it shows Jiro as a normal human with only passion for his wife and his dream for building an airplane. For me, Jiro represent the change. 

Not change from old-Japan to Imperialistic Japan, just change of the passage of time.

Alongside of Jiro, the film also show pre-WWII Japan with some sort of nostalgic through Jiro's wife, Naoko. If Jiro is a symbol of future change, a young, dedicate, and frail Naoko was symbolized a dying old Japan who was on it's last breath.  

And as Jiro found out that his dear wife Naoko was dying from Tuberculosis, he was represent a choice. He have to choose whether to leave his job with his wife to sanitary(past) or stay with his job to create an airplane. He choose the latter with support of his wife.

Like the future needs support from the past.

When the time that Zero was finish, Naoko passed away like a past that can never turn back. 

His success was also the come and gone like a spirit wind of summer. It can make your feel better but it never last. Once Zero complete, Jiro was left with nothing but empty heart. His love was gone and his masterpiece become a killing machine. 

In the last scene, as Jiro walk along the dream scenery airplane graveyard while watching the Zeroes fly away, I also felt like I was watching the fond memory of hyping for Miyazaki's film pass away myself. When Naoko said goodbye to Jiro and tell him to live, it felt like a goodbye message to the us. No matter if this is really his last film, his time was passing by like a wind which can never be control.

And so we must move on and live to the best of our live.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Robocop (2014) review 3/5

I first met Robocop when I was young boy. It was the third film that I watch. I can't remember what year it is but the time feels different back then. Life is easy with nothing to worry about. I remember watching it and amazing how cool Robocop was with machinegun hand and jetpack. A few week later, I follow it with first and second film. I like the film but did not feel amazed by it back then. I was too young and could not understand the concept of 'Ghost in the machine'

Fast forward several later around two years ago, I decided to grab the Robocop trilogy and watch it for some reason that I couldn't remember. I like the film instantly. Unlike my childish self back then, I found myself prefer first film the most and film the least. The trilogy did remind me of how the movie was back then. The time where cg is hard and difficult. In that time, Robocop doesn't need to be flashy. He need to be slow and robot like since it reflect his mind, the one of person that has been lobotomized so hard that he became robot like. Although I like both sequel to a degree, I felt that there are no need for it since the conflict, a search for Alex Murphy's soul, was already solve in the first film. When he turned around to the camera and said his name is one of the perfect moment in cinema. It show a triumph of human spirit who refuse to be machine.

It's a good film for its time.

Ah, memories.

Now, there's a new Robocop film coming up. Like most people, I first have some pessimist feeling about it. It doesn't seems like original film. There's a lot of recognized actor. There's a lot of CG and action scene. Even Robocop doesn't look like his old self. He's faster, stronger and even paint in black!

That doesn't seems like Robocop to me!

Like a crazy frantic nerd, I wander around the internet. Of course, there some other who have some hope for the film and there are some who did not. But  as a fan, I got to watch it.

And so I did.

And I like it.

The story of the film is quite similar to original. Detective Alex Murphy was badly injured by a car bomb. After his wife Clara (Abbie Cornish) agree to let Omni Corp used his body for their prog ram, he was resurrected as Robocop, a law enforcing machine and Omnicorp biggest product advertisement.

The cast is pretty solid. Joel Kinnerman is doing a good job of portraying Alex Murphy. While many people might think that he could not fit into Peter Weller(original Robocop) shoes, I beg to differ. I think that it would be wrong to compare these two because both actor got different script and different take on Robocop /Murphy. Weller's Robocop was a lobotomized cyborg who gradually regain his humanity while Kinner man's Murphy was a cyborg who slowly became lobotomized as the story progressed.

For the rest of colorful cast, they done a pretty good job. I like Gary Oldman the most since it's different from rest of the role he usually has.  Michael Keaton was good as well as Omnicorp CEO who ask like Steve Job's evil brother. Even he's not Batman anymore, it's funny to see that he still like to 'make it black'. 

Also it was nice to see Jackie Earle 'Rorschach' Haley as well, didn't see him since Watchman.

Still, there are two things that I did not like about the film.

1) Aimee Garcia as Jae Kim. Her role is okay but wasn't the character suppose to be Korean? I did not ask for Lee Young Ae but couldn't they just put cast an actually Korean or at least some Asian?
My eyesight probably bad, but I don't think they can pass at each other.

2) This flicking ending theme.

Seriously, it's a bad idea. You can't end a franchise movie with a well known theme with some random music. It's disrespectful. Like you can't make Star Wars film with an ending song from Justin Bieber album. At least write some original music like all the Bonds film.

My face when I saw the end credit.

I would like to mention also that the action scene are rather dull in my opinion. In most scene, Robocop just ran forward with dual gun and mow the bad guy like an arcade rail shooter. The original film kinda like that too but I never got the 'rail shooter' feel from it. Guess the soundtrack might help.

But aside from that I think it's a good film.

As for the change, I believe it was necessary(except for the ending credit theme). The first Robocop, while not Oscar film, was so good and unique in it own way. If the film use all the old element, it will only retreading all the old concept. It's a no-win situation since the critic and fans will always compare it with the old film. The world have change a lot from the time that the old Robocop was film. While I don't think we are any close to utopia, I think that people are more aware of their right and something in the old film like the OCP's right of Alex Murphy's body is something that is less believable nowadays. Not to mention that the concept is already been used. The viewer and visualize effect have change too. With a superhero film like Iron man coming out several times per year, a sight of slow walking cyborg is not so unique anymore.

Like Murphy, I was struggle throughout the film watching everything change around me. As he feels confuse when he found his new cyborg body, I feels confuse that it was black instead of blue. When he was program to subdue his emotional size, we also have been bombard with what some people think as 'brainless CG movie' instead of 'oldies handmade SFX'. But as the movie goes one, as Murphy seems to adjust of this 'change' and his emotion began to resurface, I ask myself a question.

If he can adjust to the change, while shouldn't we?

Of course, nothing would be the same. But the change is not always come with the bad thing.Old movies, like Murphy's old past are come and gone. Murphy would prefer to get the old life back but he can't have it. It's a thing of the past which will not return. He knows accept the change and fight on. And in the end, he was able to see his wife and child again. He might not be able to do things he able to do but in the end he still regain something.

So why we won't be like him, we would never have a new 'Original Robocop' anyway so why we don't just enjoy the film for what it is. I don't think that it's as good as the original but it's not even half bad. Let's just enjoy our current time and current Robocop for what it is. And if I want to see the old Robocop again...

....I just need to pop in my Bluray.  

PS: Since there are many actor in this film that was in super hero flick. I like to write down a short crazy summary for fun.

"After Detective Alex Murphy(Joel Kinnerman) was badly injured by a car bomb, his body was retrieved by Omnicorp, a company that was run by Batman(Michael Keaton). There he was transformed to an ultimate fighting machine called 'Robocop' by Commissioner Gordon(Gary Oldman). Other cast include Abbie Connish as Murphy's wife. Rorschach(Jackie Earl Haley) as Robocop's trainer, and Fox news host play by Hairy Nick Fury(Samuel L. Jackson)

Monday, February 17, 2014

5 things reminder before seeing 'New' Robocop

Just went back from seeing new Robocop. I will write review about it soon but first I want to write a quick reminder for anyone who feel hesitate about this reboot,
1 ) It have a different social commentary. I think the old one was about executive corruption. New one was more about marketing with slight tip on War on terror.
2) The reboot did not follow the old theme. Instead, it put a new spin around it. For example, Old Robocop did not think of himself as human and gradually regain his humanity. New Robocop; however, was self aware and identify himself as human but gradually losing it.
3) New Robocop is more emotional guy and slightly less tragic figure.
4) It's less bloody compare to original.
5) It's not necessary suck.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cautious tale of loves.- Ah Fei and Lin Xian Er

Note to reader: This article was written before Valentine, but I got a cold during the week and did not have a time to finish it before the date.


It's near the valentine day. Street are full of lovely couple smiling happily like they will never be apart. Store are full of love card along with beautiful flower and chocolate. It's seems to be a beautiful occasion. With love and flying pink heart ran all around.  But sometime I felt a stirring glimpse of madness. A madness that fly in the air until the valentine has pass.

For as the day progress forward to February 14th people will not act like normal.

Those who found love on others will get crazy upon the day waiting for their mate to do something special.

Those who did not found love will walk the street with lifeless eyes. Looking for something to fulfill their heart.

Those who lost love will drank their heart to abyss. For their wish that they can find solace in the cold embrace of darkness.

And yet, there were other kind of people in the valentine.

These people they will have a smile as bright as the sun. When you meet them you will feel like you meet an angel. You will feel like you will have purpose in life. You will feel that as long as you follow them your life will be complete.

Then, at the moment that you did not notice. They will hit you when it hurt most. Your effort will be in vain. Your life will feels empty. You will feels that the purpose on your life is gone and only thing left for you... Despair.

But what would happen to those people. Those who play you. Those who, despite your dedication and effort, throw you away like piece of old cloth. Of course they will laugh at you, or pity at best. But they won't care about you just one bit and will left you to die while they look out for other prey.

Other conquest.

It was such a shame, really. For I sometime saw a talent men/women waste away with love. Sometime, when I saw that situation, my thought usually went back to a Wuxia story I read in my youth. It's a story of two persons: One man, One woman. It was a story of love, friendship, ......

And betrayal.

Once upon the time in China, there was a young maiden. She have a body of a goddess and face of an angel.  When she walks, all of the eyes will follow. When she talks, all men will listen. She was claimed to be the most beautiful woman in the world, living in a luxury Happy Cloud Mansion.

Her name is Lin Xian Er.

But beauty also has a curse, for she was troubled by an evil 'Plum Flower Bandit', a renown thief and rapist who try to take her. With this predicament, she make her vow that she would not settle for any ordinary man.

She would marry only to a man who can kill Plum Flower Bandit, whether he's old or young.

The story travel far and wide. Every heroes across the land all move toward Happy Cloud Mansion. For all of them either lust for fame or woman.

Except for two.

One of them was the previous master of the mansion. A sad middle aged man who came back to find forgiveness.  The owner of title 'Little Li Flying Dagger', Li Xunhuan.

Another man was a young energetic swordsman. A wild child from forest who walk bravely from snowy mountain to the city. With him was only simple cloth and a single blade.

His blade is not a special blade that needs to be craft by rare material. In fact, it was quite pity. It was a scrap of metal binds together with two pieces of woods. It's contain no sharp, except for the tip of sword.

But everyone who laugh at once could never laugh again when their blood flew out of their neck. For this absurd blade, when it's in his hand became a deadly weapon. A quickest blade that no man can handle.

Nobody know his name but he was called, Ah Fei.

Then at one fateful day, Ah Fei travel to the manor. Along the way he saw Lin Xian Er in peril. For she was chase down by an evil man with a black robe.

A Plum Flower Bandit!

Ah Fei step in and face the evil man. With a speed of no rival, the Plum Flower Bandit became another prey for Ah Fei's sword.

However, as Ah Fei stand there with a corpse of fame bandit in a hall among fame heroes. No one was believe in what he said because they already have their Plum Flower Bandit. With their eyes blind with greed, they capture Ah Fei's best friend Li Xunhuan and branded him as a fame bandit. And then innocent Li Xun Huan was taken away to Shaolin temple to be judge by Martial Artist community.

With anger, Ah Fei followed them with Lin Xian Er by his side.

With time, he start to fall in love with her.

However, after he came back from the temple with his friend, the truth has reveal itself. Lin Xian Er is nowhere saintly as he thought as she would be. For she is the real 'Plum Flower Bandit'.  The man he kill is only one of her pawns, a decoy to redirect attention from her.

After he found out, Ah Fei eyes was burning like a fire. But when his sword cross her neck, he look as her teary eyes and listen to her.

That she said she love him, trust him, and would gladly die by his arm.

He couldn't do it.


Two years later Ah Fei become a different man. His pride are now gone left with only naive smile of the youth. He live with Lin Xian Er but they live in separate room, with separate bed.

Lin Xian Er's room was beautiful and fully decorated.

Ah Fei's room was small and simple.

When Li Xunhuan came to visit him, he seems to be a happy man. An honest man who make living by hunting fox and jackal.

He claimed that Lin Xian Er has changed and become a good person.

But when day turns to night, Li Xunhuan found a different story. While in the days she act like a humble woman with Ah Fei, at night she sleeps at another house.

With many different men at different night.

She would sleep with anyone except for Ah Fei. The only man who respect her too much to violate her.

Li Xunhuan tried to warn his friend but Ah Fei do not listened. He was so blind by love for Lin Xian Er. So much that he even cut his tied with Li Xunhuan, his only friend and a man who save his life.

After Li Xuahuan left him, he have found out about truth the hard way.When he was found her on bed with another man.

That day Ah Fei became less than a shell of himself. Day after day, he do nothing except for drinking. One wine after next. His hand cannot deliver the lightning stab for it become too shaken. His legs can neither run or walk for his mind is cloud by alcohol.

A man who use to be quickest swordsman could not even kill a dog!


As time pass Lin Xian Er found her beauty fading along with her luck. She was betrayed and loss all her money. Instinctively, she ran back to old house. The one she use to live with Ah Fei. As she ran, her thought went back to her. She realized that she miss Ah Fei.

And she might even has a feeling for him.

She thought that Ah Fei would forgive her. That he would receive her back with open arm.

But when she get inside her house, she found himself eating alone. She pleaded to him but Ah Fei  pays no attention. He focus entirely on his food as it was only thing exist in the room.

He can ignore her because he has time. And time can heal a suffering heart.

After he finished, he stood up and start to leave. Lin Xian Er rushed toward him. She hugged him and beg him not to leave. He only turn back and said.

"I wonder.... how could I ever love someone like you?"

And then he leave Lin Xian Er, along with relic of sadness in the past behind him.

While Ah Fei move on and reclaim his skill and friendship, Lin Xian Er lost herself. She became a prostitute who only work for satisfied her hunger for men. And when she was old, with her beauties gone and no one left beside her, she can only spend her life lingering to her glorious past.


And that's another story for the day. As I wrote along, I wander if there will be anyone who read this article and said: "Oh, that's right. Men are misogynist and sexist toward woman." They maybe right. As a man I admit that their are certainly some man who feels that way. Gu Long, the man who write this story himself, was also a troubled writer. But by reading this then said "Men are sexist" or "Woman is ignorant b***h" did not encourage productive thought. It's too shallow and would not provide anything more than constant blaming on each sex.

Because we can see those kind of people all around. Ah Fei you saw might not be a man. Lin Xian Er you saw might not be a woman. They might not act in a same way but their will always be this kind of this relationship around the world.

Between one who can only give and the one who can only take.

As for me, I already saw some of them. The person who remind me of Lin Xian Er is not even a woman. And in the real world, I would even say that person with her capability might even fare better.

Then again, Ah Fei is Ah Fei and Lin Xian Er is Lin Xian Er. They are just a fictional characters and I don't encourage follow them to a T. Each people are different. Some of them are better. Some of them are worst.

But still, I think they serve as a good reminder. Unlike in most movie that hero/heroine can beat or outright murder their sadist spouse (Safe Haven, Enough, etc), we can't do it in real life. No matter how good Ah Fei is, he would only end up as murderer if he use violence to solve love problem. And I would advise anyone who found themselves in a bad relationship, to Ah Fei example. To not using violence,....

And just walk away with pride on your chest.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Guan Yu - The God Of Loyalty

This article is dedicate for those who work, help out and associate with Chinese culture. I actually plan to write in occasion of Chinese new year. Too bad I can't make it on time.

And also I dedicate this article to my father who bought me 'Romance Of the Three Kingdom' before I even play Mario brothers. While I'm not sure it gave me super insight like you believe, it's kinda feel cool (yet lonely) sometime when I can brag about something that people around me would only look in wikipedia.


When you go to the Chinese restaurant, you might meet this statue.

You might wander who this is and why you can see him in almost every Chinese restaurant and office. It got your curiosity and you asked one of the waitress. They will looked at you with confusion and answered with something short and simple. Something like:

"He is Chinese God/Diety."

Those answer was simple and appropriate. But I usually found myself a little bit sad. It's a good answer but it does not tell much of why this simple 'Man' become 'God'.

Then again, it's not their job to explained either.

So let me try my best to answer those question.

I can go with semi-historical analysis but that would be too boring and unproductive. It would be to cruel to subject legend to analysis without hearing the tale first.

I will write a story about Guan Yu in a simplest form available. By using old fashion way of storyteller.

So for a few minutes, allow me to fancy myself as a humble storyteller. A poor wanderer who trade story for coins and drink.

Let me tell a tale of Guan Yu, an honorable warrior and God of Loyalty.


Once upon a time in Han dynasty. It was a time of chaos. With Yellow Turban Rebellion plague across the land, it was a time for great man to stand and fight their way to glory.

Among them there was three men.

The first was a man with white skin as jade. A poor loyal blood with a kind heart. With his duel sword, he aim to create peace and restore Han dynasty to it rightful place.

His name is Liu Bei.

Liu Bei­[1]

The second man was a tall man with a face as red as a Chinese date. His eyes were as narrow as the phoenix and his eyebrows was like a silkworm. With his long beard and and Green Dragon Crescent Blade on his hand, he seeks honor and live by loyalty.

His name is Guan Yu.
Guan Yu[1]

The last man was a a man with a dark face. His eyes was wide like a tiger. His voice was as loud as thunder. He's a brute, but honest man. With his serpent spear, he fight for Liu Bei, the man that he believe in.

His name is Zhang Fei.

 Zhang Fei[1]

One day, these three extraordinary men went to the peach garden. They held a small banquet over there. Then they proclaimed:

"We three—Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei—though of different families, swear brotherhood, and promise mutual help to one end. We will rescue each other in difficulty; we will aid each other in danger. We swear to serve the state and save the people. While we are not born in the same day, but we seek to die together. May Heaven, the all-ruling, and Earth, be our witness. If we turn aside from righteousness or forsake this brotherhood, may Heaven and Human smite us!".

 Three brothers sworn at peach garden[2]

After they finish announcing their commitment, they bows to each other. Liu Bei became the eldest of three brothers with Guan Yu as a second while Zhang Fei is the youngest among them.


Then they gather army and roam around the land. For twenty years they ride together. They fought Yellow Turban, then Dong Zhuo the tyrant. But then they suffer a defeat in the hand of Cao Cao, a cunning warlord who held young Emperor Xian on his hand. During chaotic of the battle, the three brother were separate from each other. Liu Bei and Zhang Fei was able to escape during the chaos.

But unbeknownst to them, Guan Yu was surround by Cao Cao's troop.

Cao Cao, despite being evil character, respected Guan Yu and his abilities. He wish to convince Guan Yu to his side. With some consideration he send Zhang Liao, one of his best man and Guan Yu's friend to convince him.

Cao Cao[1]

When they met, Zhang Liao bows to Guan Yu then said: "General Guan. I was humble by your presence. But now you have been surround by all side. My lord can destroy you if he wish but he feel it would a waste of talent. I wish you would surrender. Our lord like your ability and would gladly welcome you into our rank."

"What would you decide?"

Guan Yu took a glanced at Zhang Liao dispassionately. His eyes was still determine even with death rang upon his door.

"I would like to fight to the death." Guan Yu answered calmly. "Go back, Zhang Liao. Tell Cao Cao that I would never surrender."

Zhang Liao sighed. "It's too bad, brother. For if you die, you will make three grave mistakes."

Guan Yu turned around to face Zhang Liao who continued:

"First, you said that you would die 'in a same day as your sworn brother' when you sworn with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei in a peach garden. Now since you are separate from each other. If you die here, today. Wouldn't you betray your oath?"

Guan Yu calm eyes started to wavering.

"Second, Liu Bei's wife are in our custody now. If you die, wouldn't that be neglected of your responsibility to take care of your lord's wife?"

Guan Yu eyes are now looking elsewhere. He couldn't look straight at Zhang Liao for he admit that Zhang Liao had a good reasoning.

"And third, since your goal is to protect the nation and serve the Han dynasty. If you die today, you  will die in vain without accomplish anything. Is that how loyal servant to Han empire would serve?"

After listen to the word of painful reason, Guan Yu turn back and closed his eyes. Although he would like to go down fighting, he still couldn't do it today. For he was bound by his oath and responsibility.

He would surrender but it will be on his own term.

Then he turn around and face Zhang Liao.

"Your word are reasonable enough, brother Liao." He said. "I would surrender. But I have three conditions as well."
Guan Yu gave Zhang Liao three conditions[3]

Zhang Liao slowly nodded then Guan Yu continued.

"First, I'm only surrender to Han empire. Not to Cao Cao."

"Second, I want my lord's family to be safe and treat with respect. And I will be the one who take care of them personally."

"And last condition, I will only stay until the heard news about my lord. When I heard of my lord whereabouts, I will leave immediately."

After hearing those word, Zhang Liao bows to Guan Yu then leave to discuss with Cao Cao. When Cao Cao listen to three condition he said:

"For those first two condisions, I have no problem. But for the third......... if I let him stay with us, wouldn't our effort be in vain when he left."

"Of course not, my lord." Zhang Liao answered. "The reason that Guan Yu is loyal to Liu Bei because he was treat fairly. If you treat him better than Liu Bei and shower him with gift, I don't think Guan Yu would ever leave."

Cao Cao satisfied with Zhang Liao's word and agree on those conditions.


After Guan Yu surrendered, Cao Cao promoted him with a high rank and title. But then he send Guan Yu to his estate, Guan Yu eyes were widen in shock.

For he was set together in the same house with Liu Bei's wife.

By tradition, it was dishonorable for a man, especially a sworn brother like Guan Yu to sleep in the same house as others wife. Guan Yu knows that it was one of Cao Cao's cunning plan to damage his reputation among with Liu Bei's wife.

Undeterred, Guan Yu did not enter the house but stand in front of the estate and guard it all night. From dusk to dawn he stand still unwavering like a statue. For he wouldn't let anyone harm his brother's wife.

Seeing Guan Yu's unwavering  determination, Cao Cao decided to bought another house for Guan Yu instead.

After that day Cao Cao gave Guan Yu more respect. He putted on a banquet for Guan Yu once on every three days. He showered Guan Yu with gifts and woman but Guan Yu did not accept it. When he was pushed, he gave them all to Liu Bei's wife instead.

Then one day, while visiting Guan Yu, Cao Cao took notice on Guan Yu's cloth. It was old, fragile and full of stretch.

Cao Cao hand a beautiful silk coat to Guan Yu. "I saw that your robe was old, General Guan. So I bought a new one for you. Could you try it on?"

Guan Yu take off an old robe an put on a new one. It was fit perfectly.

Cao Cao smiled.

But his smile was fading when Guan Yu put his old cloth on top of the new one.

"Why do you want to do that?" Cao Cao asked. "You did not like the new robe?"

"Oh, not at all. Lord Cao." Guan Yu answered. "But this old robe is a present from my brother, Liu Bei. When I wore it, it make me missing him less."

Undeterred, Cao Cao took Guan Yu outside. "I saw that your horse is also old, Guan Yu. So I got you a new one too."

Then Cao Cao wave for his servant to come in. The servant came back with an extraordinary horse. It fur was red as fire and it roar was as loud as ocean wave.

"Do you remember this horse?" Cao Cao asked.

"Of course, I do." Guna Yu answered. "It was 'Red Hare', a famous horse that of fame Lu Bu that you defeat a year ago."

"Good. Good." Cao Cao clapped his hand happily. "Now, it belong to you!"

Suddenly Guan Yu knelt down and bow toward Cao Cao repeatedly.

Curiously, Cao Cao asked: "I gave you plenty of gift but you did not seems to like it. Why did you become so happy when I only give you a horse?"

"Lord Cao." Guan Yu answered. "This horse is only one among it's kind. It can ran across 1000 li a day(around 500 kilometres or 310 miles) and cross rivers and mountain like it was a flat land. With this horse, I can reach my brother quick as my heart content."

Cao Cao's face sank down upon those word, bitter that Guan Yu was loyal to Liu Bei more than him.


After escape, Liu Bei ran to seek help from a warlord name Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao has dominant power in the north of China and have army three size bigger than Cao Cao. Surely, the clash between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are inevitable.

And with Liu Bei persuasion, Yuan Shao marched his troop down south. Upon hearing the news, Cao Cao moved forward and position himself in the plain of Guandu.

When two armies met each other, Yuan Shao send Yan Liang, his best general, toward the Cao Cao army. Seeing the battlefield, Guan Yu wished to participate the battle to repay for Cao Cao's kindness.

Fear that Guan Yu will leave when he repaid the favor, Cao Cao declined it.

Seeing no equal, Yan Liang charged forward with furious rush. He crave his way with blood that he spilled from Cao Cao's troop. Several of Cao Cao's general like Song Xian and Wei Xu tried to stop him.

Only to find their head flying away from his body.

With no choice, Cao Cao bring Guan Yu beside him. He pointed to Yan Liang and said: "Do you see that person, Guan Yu? That is Yan Liang, one of Yuan Shao's best general. What do you think about him?"

Guan Yu face show no fear. "Yan Liang is only a buffoon in my opinion." He said. "I can take his head easily like I can take a candy from babies hand."

Cao Cao laughed with satisfaction. Then he order Guan Yu to participate in combat.

With a Green Dragon Crescent Blade in his hand and the horse that ran as fast as the wind, Guan Yu charged forward into battlefield. As mighty as he was, Yan  Liang never stood a chance. He can only get a glimpse of the red face before he die.

A face that as red as blood.

As Yan Liang about to ask for Guan Tu's name. His life came to an end. With a single swipe, from a blade so heavy that no man can handle, Guan Yu cut Yan Liang in half!!!

As Yuan Shao's troop saw their brave general fall down from his mighty horse, they lost their will to fight and ran away.

Grant Cao Cao a clear and decisive victory.


A news of Yan Liang defeat filled Yuan Shao with anger, he send his troop to capture Liu Bei and bring him back for questioning.

"Liu Bei!!! You traitorous dog!!" Yuan Shao shouted. His eyes was filled with rage by the death of his general. "You said that you will be my allied!!! But your brother kill Yan Liang!!! Explain it to me immediately or I will cut your head off!!!!"

"Lord Yuan Shao," Liu Bei answered calmly. "I have been separate from Guan Yu for a long time. He surely did not know that I have came to the benevolent of your grace."

Liu Bei paused for a moment, allow Yuan Shao some time to calm down. Then he continue.

"Also, remember that Cao Cao and I are mortal enemy. He would already know that I'm here within your noble grace. This is one of his ploy, noble lord. He would certainly set Guan Yu to kill your troop and thus, separate unity of our force."

Yuan Shao nodded silently.

Liu Bei continued: "If you allowed me, I can write a letter to Guan Yu. If he saw my letter he would come here immediately."

Yuan Shao agree with Liu Bei's plan. He let Liu Bei write the letter and send it to Guan Yu secretly.


Once Guan Yu receive the letter from Liu Bei, he quickly got into his horse and ride to Cao Cao's manor to said farewell. Knowing Guan Yu's intention, Cao Cao ordered his servant to close the door tight and put on the sign on the front door. It said: The prime minister is seriously ill. No visitor allowed.

Sawing the sign, Guan Yu leave then came back on the next day. The sign is still there so he went to leave his word with Zhang Liao instead. However, when he went to Zhang Liao's house, he also found out from Zhang Liao's servant that he too, is sick.

In that moment, Guan Yu knew that both Cao Cao and Zhang Liao were playing trick with him. He would never leave if he have to wait for both of them to said farewell. And with burden desire to get back to see his brother, Guan Yu decided to leave. He came back to his manor and write the farewell letter to Cao Cao. Then he lock every single gift he receive from Cao Cao inside the manor and only take Liu Bei's wife along with his old subordinate with him.

Then with a carriage of Liu Bei's wife behind him, he climb on the Red Hare's back and lead them out of the city.

Upon hearing that Guan Yu have left, Cao Cao lose his heart. He send no troop to catch Guan Yu but ask Zhang Liao to tell Guan Yu to wait so they can properly say goodbye to each other.

Once Guan Yu heard the word from Zhang Liao, he held back and let the carriage went ahead without him.

When Cao Cao arrive, he bow toward the great general then said: "I salute you for your loyalty, Guan Yu. When I give you my word on your three conditions, I have no intention of forsaking it. I only come here to say farewell to you and gave you some gold for your expense."

Then Cao Cao order one of his soldier to bring a bag full of gold to Guan Yu but he declined.

"I already have enough money from my salary." He said. "There are no need for more. This gold should be spend on rewarding the troop."

Cao Cao said. "After you came into my service, you have made plenty of contribution to our force. These little gold are nothing compare to your effort."

"My contribution to your force are slim, Lord Cao." Guan Yu answered. "Nothing worth enough to mention."

Cao Cao sighed. "You are truly honest man above all, Guan Yu. I pity myself for not having you as a close friend. You might not take this gold, but at least I wish you would at least take this coat as a token of our friendship."

Then Cao Cao ordered his soldier to carried a coat with golden silk to Guan Yu. Guan Yu, afraid that the soldier will caught him if he get dowm from his horse, swiped his blade under the coat and grab it. He put on the coat, bow, and said: "Lord Cao, I thank you for your generosity and will never forget it for the rest of my life. If our path cross again, I shall return a favor for your kindness!!"

After he announced those word, Guan Yu rode away.

Then Xu Zhu, Cao Cao's bodyguard said: "Guan Yu is an asshole brute. You are kind and generous to him but he pick your coat with his blade!? He humiliate you, my lord! I will catch him for punishment."

Cao Cao sighed. "There's no need, Xu Zhu. Let him go. He's alone but we have quite a few people with us. It's reasonable that he might suspect us to harm him. I already gave him my word and have no plan to disavow it."

Then he take his troop back to the city.

However, since both Cao Cao and Guan Yu left in a hurry. Guan Yu forgot to asked for the border pass from Cao Cao. He was stopped in the border and had to pass through them with force. He killed six of Cao Cao's officer. When Cao Cao knew, he quickly gave order for all border to let Guan Yu pass through.
Depiction of Guan Yu's "Riding Alone for Thousand Miles" in Summer Palace, Beijing.
Thus, after riding along for thousand mile, Guan Yu was reunite with his brothers.


Several year pass by. Tide of battle are turn against Cao Cao. He suffered defeat from coalition of Liu Bei and Sun Quan force in the Battle of Red Cliff. He was forced to ran away as his fleet was burning in flame. They were wandering for three days now in a lonely narrow road with two mountain between them. His troop was tired and fatigue. They were hungry and thirsty. Some of them even needs to kill a horse to sustain their hunger.

Then at the end of the road, he saw thousand of soldier blocking their path.

And their leader was a man with red face.

Guan Yu.

Cao Cao sighed. He knew his doom was inevitable and all he can do was beg for mercy. He slowly rode toward Guan Yu and bow toward him.

"It's been such a long time since we last met." Cao Cao said. "Have you doing well since we last parted?"

Guan Yu returned the bow in kind. "I do." he said with determined unwavering eyes. "Lord Cao, I have been order to capture you."

"Guan Yu," Cao Cao pleaded. "Look around me. I have been defeated. We are tired and suffering. Please remember the time back then when I save your life."

Guan Yu answered: "I always think about your favor and generosity back then, Lord Cao. But I already repaid it back then when I kill Yan Liang. Now I have order to capture you and I cannot forsake my duty."

Then Cao Cao said. "Indeed, you are already repaid me when you kill Yan Liang. But when you left, you kill several of my soldier and six officer along the way. I could punish you back then, but I didn't. Instead, I let you go. Isn't that mean anything to you?"

Cao Cao paused. His emotion ran high as his eyes were swarming with tears. "Now, my life is entirely up to you. I can't fight you. Please have mercy for us."

Not only Cao Cao, the whole remnant of Cao Cao's force knelt down and cried:

"Lord Guan Yu!! Have mercy upon us!!! Please spare our live!!!"

A scene was too overwhelming for Guan Yu. In front of him was Cao Cao, a cruel, cunning, and merciless warlord. A man who was begging for his mercy. He knew would be punish heavily if he allow Cao Cao to leave, maybe even execution. But as his thought went back to the past, he remember all kindness that Cao Cao gave to him.

And the debt that needs to be repaid.

He cried.

"Clear the way." Guan Yu said solemnly. "Let them leave."

Then with tear on his eyes, Cao Cao leave, along with what left of his force.

Guan Yu let Cao Cao escape.[1]

After that Guan Yu got back to the camp to awaited his punishment. But thanks to Liu Bei, he was able to avoid the execution and only put on probation.

Allow Guan Yu to perform more extraordinary heroic feat on another day.


And that the story of Guan Yu and how he pave his way with honor and loyalty. Some part of the story might be true. Some of it might be not. But nevertheless, the story got retold again and again through many generation and cement image of Guan Yu as a righteous, honorable figure among many generation to come.

A man who never forsake his brotherhood for treasure. A man, so honorable that even a manipulative tyrant like Cao Cao has to bow with respect.

Still, I did not even mention all of the story of Guan Yu. For a great man like Guan Yu, there are many story left to tell and this only one of a few. A highlight of his life perhaps, but not all.

And rest of the story, is for another time.

PS: Special thank for Suksan Wiwakmethakorn(aka Lao Chuan Hua), Sangk Pattanothai, Chote Praeprun(aka. Yacob). All of you gave me a great insight on the story of the three kingdom. Without your work, I might not be able to finish the book. While your work might not mean much to the world but it was important to me. It was delightful and I felt quite a pity that your work would probably never be able to be print in other language.

(ขอขอบคุณ คุณสุขสันต์ วิเวกเมธากร(เล่า ชวน หัว), คุณสังข์ พัธโนทัย และคุณโชติ แพร่พันธ์(ยาขอบ) มาในโอกาสนี้ งานของพวกท่านได้เปิดหูเปดตาผมในเรื่องสามก๊กเป็นอย่างสูง หากไม่ได้งานของพวกท่านแล้วกระผมเองก็คงไม่สามารถอ่านสามก๊กจบได้ ถึงแม้ว่างานของพวกท่านอาจไม่เป็นที่กล่าวถึงในประชาคมโลก แต่มันสำคัญกับผมเป็นอย่างยิ่ง งานของพวกท่านเป็นงานเขียนอันล้ำค่าและเป็นที่น่าเสียดายที่มันคงไม่มีวันได้รับการเผยแพร่ในภาษาอื่นๆ)

With thousand bow of gratitude.(ขอคำนับพันครั้งด้วยความจริงใจ)

Image source:

[1]: Beijing Dongfang Hongfei Television Culture and Arts, "Three Kingdoms", 2010
[3]: CCTV, "Romance Of the Three Kingdoms", 1994