Monday, February 17, 2014

5 things reminder before seeing 'New' Robocop

Just went back from seeing new Robocop. I will write review about it soon but first I want to write a quick reminder for anyone who feel hesitate about this reboot,
1 ) It have a different social commentary. I think the old one was about executive corruption. New one was more about marketing with slight tip on War on terror.
2) The reboot did not follow the old theme. Instead, it put a new spin around it. For example, Old Robocop did not think of himself as human and gradually regain his humanity. New Robocop; however, was self aware and identify himself as human but gradually losing it.
3) New Robocop is more emotional guy and slightly less tragic figure.
4) It's less bloody compare to original.
5) It's not necessary suck.

1 comment:

  1. I think the new version use just the character of the Robocop only. It want to gain the number of Robocop's followers on the first place. There may be nothing relate to the old version.
