Monday, February 3, 2014

What I think of Ender's game and problem I have with it: Part 3 comparison with book.

Now for the final part I'm going to compare the film with the book. At first, I think about writing only about the film. But as I thought about it I decide that this article would somewhat incomplete if I did not do comparison with the book. After all, the book got both Hugo and Nabula so I think that it might be a good read. The film might not be super epic but since the book is very popular I guess that it should not be that bad.

There are probably a good reason that US military add the book into officer reading list after all, right?

So I call a good friend of mine and borrow a book from her. I read it for several days and come up with this article. I found both of it to be different. The book did cover some of the part  that I did not like for the film(although a bit partially) but there are some part that I think the film does it better. While the film is a full blown military sci-fi film, the book seems to have more social comment.

So which one of it is better: the film or the book?

Before I make a decision, let me make a few points here. Be warn for the fan, you might not like some of my comment.

By the way, full SPOILER!!

1) The book has more scientific explanation. I'm quite appreciate on detail like time dilation or a small detail around research on the Formic(name of the Alien).

2) The book have minor plot about politic on Earth which doesn't sound different than 80s action movie. American vs Russia, yadda, yadda, yadda. I guess that it's probably because it was written in the 80 too. Those detail is nice, especially the consequence after the war was over. In the book, each country start fighting after Formic war has ended and they try to get Ender to lead their army. It's a nice touch but came out as hearsay since it did not effect Ender in slightest.  So all those nice detail end up too short, too rush up and end up useless in particular.

3) The book have a minor plot about Ender's sister and brother get into politic by..... posting in the internet. They became equivalent to Lacus "Mary Sue" Clyne(From Gundam SEED Destiny) and bring the world peace. In the end his psychotic brother even become the world president. This is ridiculous and I glad that it was cut from the film. I can watch Code Geass or Death Note if I want to see 'genius child take over the world'. At least they have fantasy element and I don't think they are required reading in JSDF(Japan Self Defense Force).

Their dialogue are great anyway, but end up unconvincing for me. I can't take it that serious when it came out from a kid who have zero experience in politic.

Oh, by the way I found idea that Peter, Ender's sadistic brother, become a world peace president is quite weird and unrealistic. It's true that some leader in history are ruthless and I know several bully with leader quality. But the step between psychotic children that dissect squirrel to Gandhi is a little bit too big. These type of leader will always let their bad personally take control and destroy everything if not in check. Peter in the book strike me as smart but unstable person. These person, if they have power will usually stay for awhile, some might go down, some might not, but all of them will always be a controversial figure at very least.

That's something for more politic discussion I guess. But I found this 'Psychopath can bring world peace' crap is pretty hollow.

In my opinion, there are some other books that represent the case better.

4) Unlike the film, the book seems to shift gear from military sci-fi into epic space odyssey in the last chapter. Card really make a good job of his wordsmith here. It was beautiful and I admire that. They put a lot of effort on life after Ender become war hero/xenocide but I feel that it's too much to cover in one chapter.

I'm pretty mix on whether the book or film does it better on this one. Book has more details but seems rush to me since they cover a lot of time from Ender's time at space colony governor to The Alien Messiah. Personally, I think that film capture the point well without going to needlessly detail. It short, concise, and straight through the point.

5) There's a lot of reference to weird stereotype in book: Spanish pride, badass Jewish make best commander. Is it try to be funny or racist? I don't know.

6) I don't get what the hell is wrong with Orson Card. There's a lot of homoerotic subtext in the book. A fight with Ender and Bonzo is already creepy in the film but the book make it sound like something from 'Boys love' fanfiction.

And there also Ender's relationship with his sister Valentine, I got a feeling that their interaction are feels  a little bit too..... romantic.

7) Ender himself is more likable in the film. In the book, he seems to be a smartass sue who seems to know everything. He's smart enough to hack military network and braver than all student combine. Only thing that he seems to be worried of is to become a psychopath like his brother which I'm not sure if he already been one since the beginning. I found myself like Asa Butterfield's Ender more than the one in the book. At least he seems to be more smarter in dealing with people, and seems to be on 'defensive' side when bully pick fight with him.

This make his 'Mary Sue' trait in the movie a little bit less irritable than his book counterpart. At least the film is honest what Ender is and erase those controversial thing (almost) entirely.

Aside from that, I think that Asa seems to have good chemistry with Haylee Stanfield(Petra) and Abigail Baislin(Valentine). They looks pretty adorable together that I wish someone could put them in a romantic comedy already (^  ^). That would make my day.

8) There's a minor character name Han Tzu. I guess Card modify the name from philosopher name 'Han Fei Tzu'[1]. He thinks it's cool I guess.

But it's wrong. Because I don't think that no one would name a child like that.

To clarify, Tzu mean master in Chinese. No one use it for name and it only use for honorific reason. You got to earn it. Sun Tzu, for example, was originally name Sun Wu and have to earn the right to be 'Master Sun'.

Only a crazy and absolutely retard mother would name her child as 'Master Han' from childbirth.

But it's one of Card's thing I guess. He have character name 'Si Wang Mu' in later book too. She probably base on 'Xi Wang Mu', a Chinese goddess. It's ok for most people I guess, but for me it's pretty odd as having a character name 'Virgin Mary' or 'Jesus' .


Overall, I found that the film is slightly better in my opinion(can't believe I said this). Sure, it leave some detail but it focus on the strain and pressure of being a soldier well without being distract by some pseudo half-heart politic discussion. The film keeps only one main point but at least it's direct and more concise.

Still, this does not mean that I like the film. In fact, I found the film is 'not good enough' and full with hidden implication but the book was even worst. You can like it but I'm absolutely wish that no one would take it seriously. It need to be read carefully.

Card might be good with word.

It was beautiful but yet shallow and meaningless to me.

Many people said that this book was about peace. It ain't. It never was and never will be. It's about a lost boys who went to war that they have no understanding. They fight, kill, and destroying a culture. Some of them will regret, they will cry and weep. Their guilt will kick in. They want to help but most of them will help IN THE WAY THEY WANT.

Which is not necessary in the way that those people need.

Side Note:

[1] Han Fei Tzu was one of the most well known Chinese legalism philosophy. The legend said that even the first emperor(Qin Shi Huang, same guy who create the great wall) was impress by his work and base the law system from Han Fei's philosophy.

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