Sunday, February 9, 2014

Guan Yu - The God Of Loyalty

This article is dedicate for those who work, help out and associate with Chinese culture. I actually plan to write in occasion of Chinese new year. Too bad I can't make it on time.

And also I dedicate this article to my father who bought me 'Romance Of the Three Kingdom' before I even play Mario brothers. While I'm not sure it gave me super insight like you believe, it's kinda feel cool (yet lonely) sometime when I can brag about something that people around me would only look in wikipedia.


When you go to the Chinese restaurant, you might meet this statue.

You might wander who this is and why you can see him in almost every Chinese restaurant and office. It got your curiosity and you asked one of the waitress. They will looked at you with confusion and answered with something short and simple. Something like:

"He is Chinese God/Diety."

Those answer was simple and appropriate. But I usually found myself a little bit sad. It's a good answer but it does not tell much of why this simple 'Man' become 'God'.

Then again, it's not their job to explained either.

So let me try my best to answer those question.

I can go with semi-historical analysis but that would be too boring and unproductive. It would be to cruel to subject legend to analysis without hearing the tale first.

I will write a story about Guan Yu in a simplest form available. By using old fashion way of storyteller.

So for a few minutes, allow me to fancy myself as a humble storyteller. A poor wanderer who trade story for coins and drink.

Let me tell a tale of Guan Yu, an honorable warrior and God of Loyalty.


Once upon a time in Han dynasty. It was a time of chaos. With Yellow Turban Rebellion plague across the land, it was a time for great man to stand and fight their way to glory.

Among them there was three men.

The first was a man with white skin as jade. A poor loyal blood with a kind heart. With his duel sword, he aim to create peace and restore Han dynasty to it rightful place.

His name is Liu Bei.

Liu Bei­[1]

The second man was a tall man with a face as red as a Chinese date. His eyes were as narrow as the phoenix and his eyebrows was like a silkworm. With his long beard and and Green Dragon Crescent Blade on his hand, he seeks honor and live by loyalty.

His name is Guan Yu.
Guan Yu[1]

The last man was a a man with a dark face. His eyes was wide like a tiger. His voice was as loud as thunder. He's a brute, but honest man. With his serpent spear, he fight for Liu Bei, the man that he believe in.

His name is Zhang Fei.

 Zhang Fei[1]

One day, these three extraordinary men went to the peach garden. They held a small banquet over there. Then they proclaimed:

"We three—Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei—though of different families, swear brotherhood, and promise mutual help to one end. We will rescue each other in difficulty; we will aid each other in danger. We swear to serve the state and save the people. While we are not born in the same day, but we seek to die together. May Heaven, the all-ruling, and Earth, be our witness. If we turn aside from righteousness or forsake this brotherhood, may Heaven and Human smite us!".

 Three brothers sworn at peach garden[2]

After they finish announcing their commitment, they bows to each other. Liu Bei became the eldest of three brothers with Guan Yu as a second while Zhang Fei is the youngest among them.


Then they gather army and roam around the land. For twenty years they ride together. They fought Yellow Turban, then Dong Zhuo the tyrant. But then they suffer a defeat in the hand of Cao Cao, a cunning warlord who held young Emperor Xian on his hand. During chaotic of the battle, the three brother were separate from each other. Liu Bei and Zhang Fei was able to escape during the chaos.

But unbeknownst to them, Guan Yu was surround by Cao Cao's troop.

Cao Cao, despite being evil character, respected Guan Yu and his abilities. He wish to convince Guan Yu to his side. With some consideration he send Zhang Liao, one of his best man and Guan Yu's friend to convince him.

Cao Cao[1]

When they met, Zhang Liao bows to Guan Yu then said: "General Guan. I was humble by your presence. But now you have been surround by all side. My lord can destroy you if he wish but he feel it would a waste of talent. I wish you would surrender. Our lord like your ability and would gladly welcome you into our rank."

"What would you decide?"

Guan Yu took a glanced at Zhang Liao dispassionately. His eyes was still determine even with death rang upon his door.

"I would like to fight to the death." Guan Yu answered calmly. "Go back, Zhang Liao. Tell Cao Cao that I would never surrender."

Zhang Liao sighed. "It's too bad, brother. For if you die, you will make three grave mistakes."

Guan Yu turned around to face Zhang Liao who continued:

"First, you said that you would die 'in a same day as your sworn brother' when you sworn with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei in a peach garden. Now since you are separate from each other. If you die here, today. Wouldn't you betray your oath?"

Guan Yu calm eyes started to wavering.

"Second, Liu Bei's wife are in our custody now. If you die, wouldn't that be neglected of your responsibility to take care of your lord's wife?"

Guan Yu eyes are now looking elsewhere. He couldn't look straight at Zhang Liao for he admit that Zhang Liao had a good reasoning.

"And third, since your goal is to protect the nation and serve the Han dynasty. If you die today, you  will die in vain without accomplish anything. Is that how loyal servant to Han empire would serve?"

After listen to the word of painful reason, Guan Yu turn back and closed his eyes. Although he would like to go down fighting, he still couldn't do it today. For he was bound by his oath and responsibility.

He would surrender but it will be on his own term.

Then he turn around and face Zhang Liao.

"Your word are reasonable enough, brother Liao." He said. "I would surrender. But I have three conditions as well."
Guan Yu gave Zhang Liao three conditions[3]

Zhang Liao slowly nodded then Guan Yu continued.

"First, I'm only surrender to Han empire. Not to Cao Cao."

"Second, I want my lord's family to be safe and treat with respect. And I will be the one who take care of them personally."

"And last condition, I will only stay until the heard news about my lord. When I heard of my lord whereabouts, I will leave immediately."

After hearing those word, Zhang Liao bows to Guan Yu then leave to discuss with Cao Cao. When Cao Cao listen to three condition he said:

"For those first two condisions, I have no problem. But for the third......... if I let him stay with us, wouldn't our effort be in vain when he left."

"Of course not, my lord." Zhang Liao answered. "The reason that Guan Yu is loyal to Liu Bei because he was treat fairly. If you treat him better than Liu Bei and shower him with gift, I don't think Guan Yu would ever leave."

Cao Cao satisfied with Zhang Liao's word and agree on those conditions.


After Guan Yu surrendered, Cao Cao promoted him with a high rank and title. But then he send Guan Yu to his estate, Guan Yu eyes were widen in shock.

For he was set together in the same house with Liu Bei's wife.

By tradition, it was dishonorable for a man, especially a sworn brother like Guan Yu to sleep in the same house as others wife. Guan Yu knows that it was one of Cao Cao's cunning plan to damage his reputation among with Liu Bei's wife.

Undeterred, Guan Yu did not enter the house but stand in front of the estate and guard it all night. From dusk to dawn he stand still unwavering like a statue. For he wouldn't let anyone harm his brother's wife.

Seeing Guan Yu's unwavering  determination, Cao Cao decided to bought another house for Guan Yu instead.

After that day Cao Cao gave Guan Yu more respect. He putted on a banquet for Guan Yu once on every three days. He showered Guan Yu with gifts and woman but Guan Yu did not accept it. When he was pushed, he gave them all to Liu Bei's wife instead.

Then one day, while visiting Guan Yu, Cao Cao took notice on Guan Yu's cloth. It was old, fragile and full of stretch.

Cao Cao hand a beautiful silk coat to Guan Yu. "I saw that your robe was old, General Guan. So I bought a new one for you. Could you try it on?"

Guan Yu take off an old robe an put on a new one. It was fit perfectly.

Cao Cao smiled.

But his smile was fading when Guan Yu put his old cloth on top of the new one.

"Why do you want to do that?" Cao Cao asked. "You did not like the new robe?"

"Oh, not at all. Lord Cao." Guan Yu answered. "But this old robe is a present from my brother, Liu Bei. When I wore it, it make me missing him less."

Undeterred, Cao Cao took Guan Yu outside. "I saw that your horse is also old, Guan Yu. So I got you a new one too."

Then Cao Cao wave for his servant to come in. The servant came back with an extraordinary horse. It fur was red as fire and it roar was as loud as ocean wave.

"Do you remember this horse?" Cao Cao asked.

"Of course, I do." Guna Yu answered. "It was 'Red Hare', a famous horse that of fame Lu Bu that you defeat a year ago."

"Good. Good." Cao Cao clapped his hand happily. "Now, it belong to you!"

Suddenly Guan Yu knelt down and bow toward Cao Cao repeatedly.

Curiously, Cao Cao asked: "I gave you plenty of gift but you did not seems to like it. Why did you become so happy when I only give you a horse?"

"Lord Cao." Guan Yu answered. "This horse is only one among it's kind. It can ran across 1000 li a day(around 500 kilometres or 310 miles) and cross rivers and mountain like it was a flat land. With this horse, I can reach my brother quick as my heart content."

Cao Cao's face sank down upon those word, bitter that Guan Yu was loyal to Liu Bei more than him.


After escape, Liu Bei ran to seek help from a warlord name Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao has dominant power in the north of China and have army three size bigger than Cao Cao. Surely, the clash between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are inevitable.

And with Liu Bei persuasion, Yuan Shao marched his troop down south. Upon hearing the news, Cao Cao moved forward and position himself in the plain of Guandu.

When two armies met each other, Yuan Shao send Yan Liang, his best general, toward the Cao Cao army. Seeing the battlefield, Guan Yu wished to participate the battle to repay for Cao Cao's kindness.

Fear that Guan Yu will leave when he repaid the favor, Cao Cao declined it.

Seeing no equal, Yan Liang charged forward with furious rush. He crave his way with blood that he spilled from Cao Cao's troop. Several of Cao Cao's general like Song Xian and Wei Xu tried to stop him.

Only to find their head flying away from his body.

With no choice, Cao Cao bring Guan Yu beside him. He pointed to Yan Liang and said: "Do you see that person, Guan Yu? That is Yan Liang, one of Yuan Shao's best general. What do you think about him?"

Guan Yu face show no fear. "Yan Liang is only a buffoon in my opinion." He said. "I can take his head easily like I can take a candy from babies hand."

Cao Cao laughed with satisfaction. Then he order Guan Yu to participate in combat.

With a Green Dragon Crescent Blade in his hand and the horse that ran as fast as the wind, Guan Yu charged forward into battlefield. As mighty as he was, Yan  Liang never stood a chance. He can only get a glimpse of the red face before he die.

A face that as red as blood.

As Yan Liang about to ask for Guan Tu's name. His life came to an end. With a single swipe, from a blade so heavy that no man can handle, Guan Yu cut Yan Liang in half!!!

As Yuan Shao's troop saw their brave general fall down from his mighty horse, they lost their will to fight and ran away.

Grant Cao Cao a clear and decisive victory.


A news of Yan Liang defeat filled Yuan Shao with anger, he send his troop to capture Liu Bei and bring him back for questioning.

"Liu Bei!!! You traitorous dog!!" Yuan Shao shouted. His eyes was filled with rage by the death of his general. "You said that you will be my allied!!! But your brother kill Yan Liang!!! Explain it to me immediately or I will cut your head off!!!!"

"Lord Yuan Shao," Liu Bei answered calmly. "I have been separate from Guan Yu for a long time. He surely did not know that I have came to the benevolent of your grace."

Liu Bei paused for a moment, allow Yuan Shao some time to calm down. Then he continue.

"Also, remember that Cao Cao and I are mortal enemy. He would already know that I'm here within your noble grace. This is one of his ploy, noble lord. He would certainly set Guan Yu to kill your troop and thus, separate unity of our force."

Yuan Shao nodded silently.

Liu Bei continued: "If you allowed me, I can write a letter to Guan Yu. If he saw my letter he would come here immediately."

Yuan Shao agree with Liu Bei's plan. He let Liu Bei write the letter and send it to Guan Yu secretly.


Once Guan Yu receive the letter from Liu Bei, he quickly got into his horse and ride to Cao Cao's manor to said farewell. Knowing Guan Yu's intention, Cao Cao ordered his servant to close the door tight and put on the sign on the front door. It said: The prime minister is seriously ill. No visitor allowed.

Sawing the sign, Guan Yu leave then came back on the next day. The sign is still there so he went to leave his word with Zhang Liao instead. However, when he went to Zhang Liao's house, he also found out from Zhang Liao's servant that he too, is sick.

In that moment, Guan Yu knew that both Cao Cao and Zhang Liao were playing trick with him. He would never leave if he have to wait for both of them to said farewell. And with burden desire to get back to see his brother, Guan Yu decided to leave. He came back to his manor and write the farewell letter to Cao Cao. Then he lock every single gift he receive from Cao Cao inside the manor and only take Liu Bei's wife along with his old subordinate with him.

Then with a carriage of Liu Bei's wife behind him, he climb on the Red Hare's back and lead them out of the city.

Upon hearing that Guan Yu have left, Cao Cao lose his heart. He send no troop to catch Guan Yu but ask Zhang Liao to tell Guan Yu to wait so they can properly say goodbye to each other.

Once Guan Yu heard the word from Zhang Liao, he held back and let the carriage went ahead without him.

When Cao Cao arrive, he bow toward the great general then said: "I salute you for your loyalty, Guan Yu. When I give you my word on your three conditions, I have no intention of forsaking it. I only come here to say farewell to you and gave you some gold for your expense."

Then Cao Cao order one of his soldier to bring a bag full of gold to Guan Yu but he declined.

"I already have enough money from my salary." He said. "There are no need for more. This gold should be spend on rewarding the troop."

Cao Cao said. "After you came into my service, you have made plenty of contribution to our force. These little gold are nothing compare to your effort."

"My contribution to your force are slim, Lord Cao." Guan Yu answered. "Nothing worth enough to mention."

Cao Cao sighed. "You are truly honest man above all, Guan Yu. I pity myself for not having you as a close friend. You might not take this gold, but at least I wish you would at least take this coat as a token of our friendship."

Then Cao Cao ordered his soldier to carried a coat with golden silk to Guan Yu. Guan Yu, afraid that the soldier will caught him if he get dowm from his horse, swiped his blade under the coat and grab it. He put on the coat, bow, and said: "Lord Cao, I thank you for your generosity and will never forget it for the rest of my life. If our path cross again, I shall return a favor for your kindness!!"

After he announced those word, Guan Yu rode away.

Then Xu Zhu, Cao Cao's bodyguard said: "Guan Yu is an asshole brute. You are kind and generous to him but he pick your coat with his blade!? He humiliate you, my lord! I will catch him for punishment."

Cao Cao sighed. "There's no need, Xu Zhu. Let him go. He's alone but we have quite a few people with us. It's reasonable that he might suspect us to harm him. I already gave him my word and have no plan to disavow it."

Then he take his troop back to the city.

However, since both Cao Cao and Guan Yu left in a hurry. Guan Yu forgot to asked for the border pass from Cao Cao. He was stopped in the border and had to pass through them with force. He killed six of Cao Cao's officer. When Cao Cao knew, he quickly gave order for all border to let Guan Yu pass through.
Depiction of Guan Yu's "Riding Alone for Thousand Miles" in Summer Palace, Beijing.
Thus, after riding along for thousand mile, Guan Yu was reunite with his brothers.


Several year pass by. Tide of battle are turn against Cao Cao. He suffered defeat from coalition of Liu Bei and Sun Quan force in the Battle of Red Cliff. He was forced to ran away as his fleet was burning in flame. They were wandering for three days now in a lonely narrow road with two mountain between them. His troop was tired and fatigue. They were hungry and thirsty. Some of them even needs to kill a horse to sustain their hunger.

Then at the end of the road, he saw thousand of soldier blocking their path.

And their leader was a man with red face.

Guan Yu.

Cao Cao sighed. He knew his doom was inevitable and all he can do was beg for mercy. He slowly rode toward Guan Yu and bow toward him.

"It's been such a long time since we last met." Cao Cao said. "Have you doing well since we last parted?"

Guan Yu returned the bow in kind. "I do." he said with determined unwavering eyes. "Lord Cao, I have been order to capture you."

"Guan Yu," Cao Cao pleaded. "Look around me. I have been defeated. We are tired and suffering. Please remember the time back then when I save your life."

Guan Yu answered: "I always think about your favor and generosity back then, Lord Cao. But I already repaid it back then when I kill Yan Liang. Now I have order to capture you and I cannot forsake my duty."

Then Cao Cao said. "Indeed, you are already repaid me when you kill Yan Liang. But when you left, you kill several of my soldier and six officer along the way. I could punish you back then, but I didn't. Instead, I let you go. Isn't that mean anything to you?"

Cao Cao paused. His emotion ran high as his eyes were swarming with tears. "Now, my life is entirely up to you. I can't fight you. Please have mercy for us."

Not only Cao Cao, the whole remnant of Cao Cao's force knelt down and cried:

"Lord Guan Yu!! Have mercy upon us!!! Please spare our live!!!"

A scene was too overwhelming for Guan Yu. In front of him was Cao Cao, a cruel, cunning, and merciless warlord. A man who was begging for his mercy. He knew would be punish heavily if he allow Cao Cao to leave, maybe even execution. But as his thought went back to the past, he remember all kindness that Cao Cao gave to him.

And the debt that needs to be repaid.

He cried.

"Clear the way." Guan Yu said solemnly. "Let them leave."

Then with tear on his eyes, Cao Cao leave, along with what left of his force.

Guan Yu let Cao Cao escape.[1]

After that Guan Yu got back to the camp to awaited his punishment. But thanks to Liu Bei, he was able to avoid the execution and only put on probation.

Allow Guan Yu to perform more extraordinary heroic feat on another day.


And that the story of Guan Yu and how he pave his way with honor and loyalty. Some part of the story might be true. Some of it might be not. But nevertheless, the story got retold again and again through many generation and cement image of Guan Yu as a righteous, honorable figure among many generation to come.

A man who never forsake his brotherhood for treasure. A man, so honorable that even a manipulative tyrant like Cao Cao has to bow with respect.

Still, I did not even mention all of the story of Guan Yu. For a great man like Guan Yu, there are many story left to tell and this only one of a few. A highlight of his life perhaps, but not all.

And rest of the story, is for another time.

PS: Special thank for Suksan Wiwakmethakorn(aka Lao Chuan Hua), Sangk Pattanothai, Chote Praeprun(aka. Yacob). All of you gave me a great insight on the story of the three kingdom. Without your work, I might not be able to finish the book. While your work might not mean much to the world but it was important to me. It was delightful and I felt quite a pity that your work would probably never be able to be print in other language.

(ขอขอบคุณ คุณสุขสันต์ วิเวกเมธากร(เล่า ชวน หัว), คุณสังข์ พัธโนทัย และคุณโชติ แพร่พันธ์(ยาขอบ) มาในโอกาสนี้ งานของพวกท่านได้เปิดหูเปดตาผมในเรื่องสามก๊กเป็นอย่างสูง หากไม่ได้งานของพวกท่านแล้วกระผมเองก็คงไม่สามารถอ่านสามก๊กจบได้ ถึงแม้ว่างานของพวกท่านอาจไม่เป็นที่กล่าวถึงในประชาคมโลก แต่มันสำคัญกับผมเป็นอย่างยิ่ง งานของพวกท่านเป็นงานเขียนอันล้ำค่าและเป็นที่น่าเสียดายที่มันคงไม่มีวันได้รับการเผยแพร่ในภาษาอื่นๆ)

With thousand bow of gratitude.(ขอคำนับพันครั้งด้วยความจริงใจ)

Image source:

[1]: Beijing Dongfang Hongfei Television Culture and Arts, "Three Kingdoms", 2010
[3]: CCTV, "Romance Of the Three Kingdoms", 1994


  1. The way you write is easy to follow. I am waiting for the next chapter.

    1. I like to but I probably don't. I got a feeling that this article is probably explain by itself on why he was revered by Chinese people. It's about his relation with Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and how he keep his loyalty and moral in check.

      Beside, it would be somewhat difficult to write. Story of Guan Yu is tangle between a whole lot of people. And since I butcher some of the detail out, I have no idea how to proceed from there without alienated those who have zero knowledge on three kingdom.

      Beside, if I do that. I would feel bad for leaving several of 'highlight' and wouldn't help myself re-write from the beginning ^ ^

      Still, if you have any idea on how to proceed, let me know. I'm all ears.
